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We collect all graduate theses (Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations) accepted by Dalhousie University, including joint degrees with other institutions. The Library holds a large number of Leeds PhD and doctoral theses. WSU master's theses are preserved and made publicly accessible via web servers at the WSU Libraries and Search It, the WSU Libraries online catalog and. Of these electronic dissertations will then also be added to the Libraries' online. Dissertations and Theses Collections (DTC) is an online union collection of Hong Kong and Macau postgraduate students' doctoral and master. American Doctoral Dissertations Online my essay Write A Research Paper. Select Doctoral and/or Master's Thesis in the Types field. This guide provides information about locating dissertations and theses, both those completed at Stanford University and those from other. I hereby affirm that today, 16/12/2016, I delivered to the University of Cyprus Library. University's institutional repository, CentAUR, so can be consulted online. Master's theses and doctoral dissertations. With Chalmers Open Access Policy, your thesis should be published and made available online in CPL. Use the search box below to search for all TIU dissertations. UCC doctoral candidates are expected to submit an e-thesis at the same time as their hard bound thesis.
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